I went to Commercial Drive yesterday and I enjoyed very much. It was for me surprising to see all this italian signs in a Vancouver context. Firstly it was as return some years back in Italy. Noticed this old-fashion shop that still remark the style fashioned 20 years ago. But it is a experience of manufact that can't be forget. Secondly I have been absorbed in all other feelings to stay in commercial drive. It was a mix of Italianity but I recognized not so crystalizzed in the past. In fact I felt a community that it is active and alive. Producing something completaly new. In fact I noticed many restaurant very accurate and ice where they propose music-live. This is an aspect very important for me to make me feel live. In that moment something new through the music was coming out from the old-shop
I visited Cafè Calabria which is the one of the oldest Italian cafe.I tried to order in Italian a cafe but the waiter didn't know how to answer. He said I can understand but no answer so far. He really would like to offer me the coffee and I realized it was so kind.
The intern of Cafe Calabria surprised me. If at first glance seems as a museum after a while all the colors and good smells of the ice-cream appealed me as never. As in all other restaurant I visited it is a mix of order-list. Not only Italian but you can find some alternative as "milk with low fat", that in Italian word doesn't make sense. So good to see the miscellaneous culture alive and propose something only in that instant I can gather.
As it was Halloween Day, I recognized the Vancouver culture celebrating in all the street. People enjoyed to wear some funny or scary customs and for me, oh man.. It was so amazing. I always enjoyed this day of year. For me the mix-culture was more impressive because the window full of orange-colors and all the lights on as for a Party soon coming. It was as the expectation of something to come but inside the old-shop remembered me the past-Italian melted now in Vancouver.
I asked them if I should take a picture in a bakery. They were costumed also in the mood. So serious and funny in some time. They seems pleased that I would take them memory with me.
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